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Cloud Computing is a truly revolutionary model of using information technology.
The ongoing digital transformation enters more and more markets and enterprises, opening access to a huge number of services and countless business scaling opportunities. But the influence of global technological trends on the current and future priorities of organizations has a certain impact on the safety sphere. This impact increases with the speed and scale of technology absorption.
A good example is the migration of many businesses to the cloud environment in all its variants and models. The clearly visible adoption of the cloud in place of servers and traditional local solutions shifts a large part of the responsibility for data security to the end-users of the service.
Ubiquitous and convenient access to networks and computing resources changed the organizational and infrastructural paradigm. From the point of view of cloud risk management, an important aspect is who is responsible for the security of data. What matters most here is the right approach.
The dynamic development of information processing and storage technologies in the cloud environment has made the threats and challenges faced by both cooperating parties – service providers and their customers – become real. The service provider must ensure that the infrastructure it provides is secure. On the other hand, customers must take steps to eliminate configuration and architectural errors in the solutions provided. The coexistence of organizations in the cloud environment and numerous changes in their architecture may expose attack vectors and threats which were previously invisible.